Sunday, 17 November 2013


The educational world has been hijacked. particularly in the USA and supported by Presidents Clinton and Obama. The curriculum is being given a gay and lesbian framework and it is all done in the name of Outcome Based Education.
Traditional education has been used against itself. All English teachers are aware of clear thinking which teaches students to be aware of the difference between fact and opinion. The Jews are not the scum of the earth stealing food from the mouths of German children.
Values have to be supported by accepted crtieria. What are the criteria for assessing an acceptable training program? What of the criteria for a happy family?
Values become accepted by means of accepted criteria. That was the message of Benjamin  Bloom with his Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
But the gay and lesbian teachers and curriculum designers want to carry that to extreme by stating there is no right or wrong. Who says men can not sleep with men or boys? It is all OK. There is no right or wrong. Tell the kids.
Who says that family is the basis of society. That is an invalid value say the gay and lesbian activists. It is not an institution made by God or Allah. There is no God or Allah. That means that marriage is just a man made custom to enable men to own women. 
Sadly, the gays and lesbians have hijacked Outcome Based Education. They will never reveal their curriculum. It is all about gay, lesbian and paedophile sex.
They have ignored the lower level of basics. They just want to go to the higher level of EVALUATION so that they can pervert children with gay and lesbian sex.
Nations of the world are rejecting Outcome Based Education. The Russian Duma has banned the spread of gay and lesbian propaganda to minors. That is intended to limit the message of gay, lesbian and paedophile teachers.

Thursday, 31 March 2011


Daughter, you want to marry this man. Do you love  
him? Is he kind to you? Does he share faith with you?
Are you happy with him? Do you laugh with him?

Does he want to help you to grow? Are you afraid of
him? What do other girlssay about him? Has he been
violent to you? Does he control you? Will he give you
his fortnight pay? Does he drink alcohol? Will he be
unfaithful to you? Is he kind to children?

Pikinini meri, yu laik maritim dispela man.
Yu lovim em stret? Em i gutpela long yu?
Em i bilip long God wankain yu? Yu amamas
long em? Yu save lap wantaim em? Em i laik
litimapim laip bilong yu? Yu pret long em?

Olgeta arapela meri i tok olsem wanem? Em
i paitim yu bipo? Em i wok long bosim yu? Em
bai givim yu fotnait pe bilong em? Em i save
spak? Em bai kisim HIV/AIDS i kam insait long

How do men abuse women in this

Women are abused in the world. It comes
from the fact that men see themselves as
superior gender and physically   stronger
than women. Women have the task of
looking after the house and family. They
need money for food, clothes, soap,
school fees and medicine.

Many men will be angry at sharing money.
Many will be angry if they come home at
any time and food is not ready. Many will
be angry if their wife refuses sex. So they
bash their wife often in drunken anger.

Planti meri i kisim taim nogut stret long
olgeta hap bilong graun. Long India ol meri
i peim prais bilong maritim man. Mani i go
long famili. Sapos pe bilong man i go antap
prais i go antap. Planti meri i dai bikos man
i laik kisim nupela meri.

Long olgeta hap, man i strong moa long meri
long sait bilong bodi tasol. Planti meri i winim
man long strong bilong spirit. Ol meri i mas i
gat strong long lukautim famili. Planti i karim
planti pikinini na strong bilong bodi i go daun.

Ol meri i mas wok long kisim mani bilong baim
kaikai bilong famili, marasin na klos. Ol i mas
peim skul fi. Planti man i no strong tumas. Ol
i no lukautim famili. Pikinini i sik, orait mama
i lukautim. Planti man i kros sapos meri i askim
em long givim mani bilong lukautim haus.

As tru bilong HIV/AIDS em bilong planti man i
raun na slip wantaim planti meri na kisim sik
o givim sik long ol. Ol i kam na givim sik long
famili bilong ol.

What are the traps for young women?

Many young women are trapped into a relationship with a
man by false promises. They let a man bash them and do
not see this as a danger sign. He will bash them again and
again. The man does not help in the home.

He comes home drunk. If the woman runs away, He will
find her and take her back. Family may be afraid to stop
him. They will blame the woman.

The biggest trap is to become pregnant and be forced to
seek money from the man who may be a stranger to the
woman. The man may trap a woman into early death with
HIV infection.

Planti yangpela meri i amamas moa yet sapos
wanpela man i laikim em. Ol i no sindaun na
skelim toktok bilong em. Em i tok olsem em
bai lovim em na lukautim em oltaim. Em i tru
o nogat?

Meri i no sekim em na painimaut olsem em i
gat famili o nogat? Olsem wanem sapos em
i man i raun na grisim ol yangpela meri?

Em i tok olsem em bai putim em long bisnis
koles na painim wok long wanpela opis bilong
em. Em i gat opis bilong em o nogat? Orait em
i stap wantaim dispela man na em i paitim em.

Em i ranawe tasol man i kisim em i kam bek.
Famili i pret long stapim em. Nau meri i gat
bel na man i no kam na lukim em. Em i no
kisim man ii kam.

Meri i no go bek long famili bilong em bikos
em i sem nogut tru. Em i raun long taun na
painim ol man long givim em mani.

Em i salim bodi bilong em. Bipo em i karim
pikinini em i painimaut olsem e mi gat sik

How can a woman make sure she
is not trapped?

A woman can ensure safety by seeking the protection of
family. She marries a man known to the family. She is very
careful about marrying a man whose clan lives hundreds of
kilometers away and goes and lives in the village.

The clan may support the man against his wife, especially in
giving blame for the man being HIV infected. A woman can
make sure that she does not have sex with any man and run
the risk of HIV infection, pregnancy & Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STIs). She is safest to wait until she is married to
a man she can trust.

Famili i nambawan samting bilong sapotim na
lukautim ol yangpela man na meri. Plant i laik
lusim famili bikos ol i ting olsem famili bilong
em i no smat tumas.

Ol i laik long raun wantaim ol stail pren.Tasol
taim bai kam na ol bai painim trabel. Ples bilong
hait em insait long famili.

Sapos yangpela meri i gat planti brata na uncle
ol bai inap halivim papa long lukautim yangpela
man o meri sapos wanpela i painim trabel. Nogut
sapos yangpela meri i maritim man i stap longwe
long famili bilong meri. Nogut sapos man i paitim
meri na meri i no inap singautim famili long kam.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Sapos yu kisim sik HIV yu no ken pret
na guria olgeta. Yu bai inap stap longtaim
tru sapos yu lukautim bodi na spirit. No ken
sindaun aninit long diwai na wet long dai. O
stap long bet. O tromwe laip long ol pipia

If you become HIV positive, do not be afraid
and shake. You will be able to live a very long
time if you look after your body and soul. Do
not sit under a tree and wait to die. Or stay in
bed. Or waste your life on rubbish behaviour.

Bihainim Positive Living na yu inap stap strong
inap long 10 o 12 pela yia o moa. Bodi na spirit
bai stap strong wantaim hop na bilip na famili
wantaim klinpela wara na klinpela bodi insait
na ausait. Waswas gut wan wan de wantaim sop
na wara.

Follow Positive Living and your life will stay
strong up to 10 or 12 years or more. Your body
and spirit will stay strong with hope, faith and
family with clean water and a clean body inside
and out. Wash well each day with soap and water.

Stap gut insait long famili. Lukautim ol na gutpela
sapos ol i lukautim yu. Sapos yu yangpela meri, papa
i no ken semim yu na kolim yu pamuk. Em i mas
lukautim yu na no ken rausim yu long haus wantaim
pikinini bilong yu.

Live well with your family. Look after them and it
would be good if they looked after you. If you are
a young girl, your father should not shame you
and call you a prostitute. He should look after
you and not throw you outwith your baby.

Yu ken wok long haus na lukautim ol brata na
susa na lapun papa na mama. Ol i no ken stapim
yu long kukim kaikai. Ol bai i no inap kisim sik HIV.
Yu ken wok long gaden o long opis na halivim famili
long winim mani. Sapos ol i rausim yu, ol bai lusim
memba bilong famili bipotaim stret.

You can work in the house and look after brothers,
sisters and grandparents.They should not stop you
from cooking food. They will not be infected with
HIV. You can work in the garden or the office and
help the family to earn money. If they kick you out,
they will lose a member of the family very early.


Sapos yu kisim sik HIV yu no ken pret na guria olgeta. Yu bai inap
stap longtaim tru sapos yu lukautim bodi na spirit. No ken sindaun
aninit long diwai na wet long dai. O stap long bet. O tromwe laip
long ol pipia pasin.

If you become HIV positive, do not be afraid and shake. You will be
able to live a very long time if you look after your body and soul. Do
not sit under a tree and wait to die. Or stay in bed. Or waste your life
on rubbish behaviour.

Bihainim Positive Living na laip inap stap strong inap long 10 o 12 pela
yia o moa. Bodi na spirit bai stap strong wantaim hop na bilip na famili
wantaim klinpela wara na klinpela bodi insait na ausait. Waswas gut wan
wan de wantaim sop na wara.

Follow Positive Living and your life will stay strong up to 10 or 12 years
or more. Your body and spirit will stay strong with hope, faith and family
with clean water and a clean body inside and out. Wash well each day with
soap and water.

Stap gut insait long famili. Lukautim ol na gutpela sapos ol i lukautim yu.
Sapos yu yangpela meri, papa i no ken semim yu na kolim yu pamuk. Em
i mas lukautim yu na no ken rausim yu long haus wantaim pikinini bilong

Live well with your family. Look after them and it would be good if they
looked after you. If you are a young girl, your father should not shame you
and call you a prostitute. He should look after you and not throw you out
with your baby.

Yu ken wok long haus na lukautim ol brata na susa na lapun papa na mama.
Ol i no ken stapim yu long kukim kaikai. Ol bai i no inap kisim sik HIV. Yu
ken wok long gaden o long opis na halivim famili long winim mani. Sapos ol
i rausim yu, ol bai lusim memba bilong famili bipotaim stret.

You can work in the house and look after your brothers, sisters and grandparents.
They should not stop you from cooking food. They will not be able to be infected
with HIV. You can work in the garden or the office and help the family to earn
money. If they kick you out, they will lose a member of the family very early.

Kisim gutpela na stretpela kaikai. No ken kaikai rabis mit olsem lamb flaps.
Kisim kumu na frut long maket. Kain kaikai i no dia tumas. Kukim pumpkin
na kaukau. Kaikai kumu na no ken kukim strong tumas. Planti kaikai i gutpela
long kukim long stim.

Get good nutritious food. Do not eat rubbish meat like lamb flaps. Get vegetables
and fruit at the market. Such food is not too dear. Cook pumpkin and potato. Eat
greens and do not cook too much. Much food is good to cook in steam.

Dringim klinpela wara wan wan de. No ken pulim simok long brus o spak brus.
O dringim bia o homebrew. Wasim han bihain yu toilet pinis. I gat planti binatang
i stap long pekpek bilong dok o pik. Nogut sapos ol kiau bilong binatang i go insait
long maus na paulim bel bilong yu.

Drink clean water each day. Do not smoke tobacco or marijuana. Or drink beer
or home brew. Wash hands after the toilet. There are many germs and parasites
in the faeces of dogs or pigs. It is bad if eggs go into your mouth and foul your

Pulim simok inap sotim laip bilong yu. Pulim spak brus inap mekim kru bilong
yu i paul na yu inap go longlong maski sapos yu sik long HIV o no sik.

Smoking can shorten your life. Smoking marijuana can mess up your brain
and you can be mentally affected regardless of whether or not you have HIV.

Stap amamas na stap gut insait long famili. Pilai spot olsem netball o touch
football. Raun wantaim ol pren. No ken pret na hait. No ken givim sik long
narapela man o meri. Go long sios. Sapos yu bilip putim han long han bilong

Stay happy and live well with your family. Play sport like netball or touch
football. Socialize with your friends. Do not be afraid and hide. Do not infect
another man or woman. Go to church. If you have faith, put your hand into
God’s hand.

Sapos yu no inap kisim ARV marasin, yu inap stap gut longtaim tasol helt bai
surik isi isi insait long 10 o 12pela yia. Sapos yu kisim ARV, no ken stapim-statim.

If unable to get ARV medicine, you can stay healthy for a long time but your health
will slowly decline within 10 or 12 years. If you are on ARV, do not stop and start.